Hello crafty creators, welcome to the new year.

It is time to start new projects or make new resolutions to complete old ones. :]   There are some new merino top colours and new product lines from Ashford to compliment our extensive range of products in store. You are very welcome to just come in and browse.    2016 will see some new faces in store …more on this later.
After the festive season, we normally open the second week of January but this year  we are still busy washing fleece for  the old ram to pick ready for the school orders.   To compliment our ebay listings, we are updating our website :[ with shopping cart, so that your online visits to our website will be more enjoyable. [Unfortunately I am a little slow whilst my injured right arm/shoulder heals]  We have raw fleece to organise into new product as well as some reshuffling of shop fittings.  The shop will reopen after Australia day on Wednesday, 27th January 2016 at 10.30am, however, if you need anything urgently, we will be in store all day on Saturday 9th January ..feel free to drop in.   Warning, anyone found loitering on 9th January, will be given a volunteer task/job to do :]


About OldEwe

Resident: Wool Buyer, Weaver, Spinner, Knitter, Dyer, Felter and Fountain (Bottomless pit) of Knowledge
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