I hope everyone is enjoying the lovely spring weather.
At Bilby, we are busy preparing for the Melanian Sheep Breeders ‘BLACK SHEEP SHOP’ in the Jim Horwood Wool Pavillion [near gate 8] at this year’s Perth Royal Show. [26 Sept to 3 October ]. We hope you will visit the sheep pavillion to see the fleece, sheep or watch the shearing and also see the Creative Craft at Milton Isbitser Pavillion. During Show week, the shop will be open with either old ewe or ol’ram to look after your woolly needs.
Friday 11th to Sunday 13th Sept, the Handweavers Spinners & Dyer’s Guild have organised an exhibition of the National Scarf Exchange at the Peppermint Grove Library. [details at http://spinweavewa.org/ ] Fibres West 2015 is at Muresk Sun 4th to 8th October…..Bilby Yarns will be in Traders Hall with a stall full of woolly goods. If you are participating & need a fibre/tool order brought to Muresk for you, please ring 93318818. On Tue 6, wed 7th & thu 8th, the ol’ram will be in the Willagee shop to look after customers.
WORKSHOPS… CROCHET and KNITTING . If you would like to learn how to crochet? Our friendly tutors Bev & Julitha, can help you get started on your crochet/knitting journey. Have a look at our Workshop page and then book your place asap with a $20 deposit. Phone 9331 8818 or email.